Greeting from a representative of lab


薬物送達学分野 教授 尾関哲也



薬物送達学(Drug Delivery System, DDS)は、薬物をいかに効率的に目的部位に送達するかを考える方法論の学問として、1980年頃より発達してきました。DDSの技術は、患者(や医療スタッフ)がまだ満たされてない治療面・生活の質の面などにおける様々なニーズ(Unmet Medical Needsと呼ばれます)を満たすことができるものとして現在注目されています。DDSの対象疾患は、現在の日本においては、がんを含む三大疾患から難病と呼ばれる希少疾患まで、また超高齢化社会の到来に伴い、高齢者に多く見られる肺炎やメンタルヘルス関連疾患も含まれます。さらに世界に目を向けますと、後進国の死因の多くは感染症であることから、世界三大感染症(AIDS、マラリア、結核)などが含まれます。このようにDDSの概念は、非常に多くの疾患に適用可能であると考えられています。しかしながら、従来法で治療困難な疾患を克服するためにはイノベーションが重要であり、そのためには自身が培ってきた専門性に加えて異分野の研究者・技術者との協力が不可欠であると考えられています。



(Translation of above sentences)

 Hello everyone ! My name is Tetsuya Ozeki, Nagoya City University.

 Drug Delivery System (DDS) has been developed since around 1980 as a methodological study of how to efficiently deliver drugs to the target site. DDS technology is currently attracting attention as it can meet various needs (called Unmet Medical Needs) in terms of treatment and quality of life that patients (and medical staff) have not yet met. increase. In Japan today, the target diseases of DDS range from the three major diseases including cancer to rare diseases called intractable diseases, as well as pneumonia and mental health-related diseases that are often seen in the elderly with the advent of a super-aging society. Looking further at the world, most of the causes of death in developing countries are infectious diseases, so the world's three major infectious diseases (AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis) are included. Thus, the concept of DDS is believed to be applicable to a large number of diseases. However, innovation is important for overcoming diseases that are difficult to treat with conventional methods, and for that purpose, it is being considered that cooperation with researchers and engineers in different fields is indispensable in addition to the expertise that they have cultivated.

 Our laboratory exists as one of the core laboratories of the graduate school of collaboration between pharmacy and engineering (Nagoya City University Faculty of Pharmacy and Nagoya Institute of Technology), which is unprecedented in Japan. Under the slogan of "fusion of pharmaceutical science and engneering", we expect new discoveries brought about by fusion with different fields, and conduct research covering the entire contents of pharmaceutical science including the DDS area. (Please refer to the items of research activities).
 In addition, Ozeki Laboratory is open to foreign students from overseas. In addition to contributing to the globalization of Japan, we are actively welcoming foreign students from overseas, hoping that our laboratory's foreign graduates will become human resources who will serve as a bridge to Japan in the future.