名古屋市立大学大学院薬学研究科 病態生化学分野


Kohno T.*, Nakagawa I., Taniguchi A., Heng F., and Hattori M.*
"Biochemical characterizations of the central fragment of human Reelin and identification of amino acid residues involved in its secretion"
J Biochem., in press
(Kohno T. and Nakagawa I. are co-first authors)
(*corresponding author)

Hara M, Ishii K, Hattori M*, and Kohno T.*
"EphA4 induces the phosphorylation of an intracellular adaptor protein Dab1 via Src family kinases"
Biol Pharm Bull., 47, 1314-1320 (2024)
Selected as “Featured article”
(*corresponding author)

Kaneko N, Hirai K, Oshima M, Yura K, Hattori M, Maeda N, Ohtaka-Maruyama C.
"ADAMTS2 promotes radial migration by activating TGF-β signaling in the developing neocortex"
EMBO Rep., 25, 3090-3115 (2024)

Hagihara H. et al., including Kohno T. and Hattori M.
"Large-scale animal model study uncovers altered brain pH and lactate levels as a transdiagnostic endophenotype of neuropsychiatric disorders involving cognitive impairment"
eLife, 12: RP89376 (2024)

Oya S., Korogi K., Kohno T., Tsuiji H., Danylchuk DI., Klymchenko AS., Niko Y., and Hattori M.
"The Plasma Membrane Polarity Is Higher in the Neuronal Growth Cone than in the Cell Body of Hippocampal and Cerebellar Granule Neurons"
Biol Pharm Bull., 46, 1820-1825 (2023)

Ishii K., Kohno T., and Hattori M.
"Postnatal injection of Reelin protein into the cerebellum ameliorates the motor functions in reeler mouse"
Neurosci Res., 194, 7-14 (2023)

Ishii K., Kohno T.*, Kaori S., and Hattori M.*
"Reelin regulates the migration of late-born hippocampal CA1 neurons via cofilin phosphorylation"
Mol Cell Neurosci., 124, 103794 (2023)
(*corresponding author)

Nakao Y.*, Yokawa S.*, Kohno T., Suzuki T., and Hattori M.
"Visualization of Reelin secretion from primary cultured neurons by bioluminescence imaging"
J Biochem., 171(5), 591-598 (2022)
(*These authors contributed equally to this work)

Sawahata M., Asano H., Nagai T., Ito N., Kohno T., Nabeshima T., Hattori M., and Yamada K.
"Microinjection of Reelin into the mPFC prevents MK-801-induced recognition memory impairment in mice"
Pharmacol Res. , 173, 105832. (2021)

Nagae M., Suzuki K., Yasui N., Nogi T., Kohno T., Hattori M., and Takagi J.
"Structural studies of reelin N-terminal region provides insights into a unique structural arrangement and functional multimerization"
J Biochem. , 169, 555-564 (2021)

Tsuneura Y., Sawahata M., Itoh N., Miyajima R., Mori D., Kohno T., Hattori M., Sobue A., Nagai T., Mizoguchi H., Nabeshima T., Ozaki N., and Yamada K.
"Analysis of Reelin signaling and neurodevelopmental trajectory in primary cultured cortical neurons with RELN deletion identified in schizophrenia "
Neurochem Int., 144, 104954 (2021)

Kohno T.*, Ishii K., Hirota Y., Honda T., Makino M., Kawasaki T., Nakajima K., and Hattori M.*
"Reelin-Nrp1 Interaction Regulates Neocortical Dendrite Development in a Context-Specific Manner"
J Neurosci., 40, 8248-8261 (2020)
(*corresponding author)

Ogino H., Nakajima T., Hirota Y., Toriuchi K., Aoyama M., Nakajima K., and Hattori M.
"The Secreted Glycoprotein Reelin Suppresses the Proliferation and Regulates the Distribution of Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells in the Embryonic Neocortex"
J Neurosci. 40, 7625-7636 (2020)

Okugawa E., Ogino H., Shigenobu T., Yamakage Y., Tsuiji H., Kohno T., and Hattori M.
"Physiological significance of proteolytic processing of Reelin revealed by cleavage-resistant Reelin knock-in mice"
Sci. Rep. 10, 4471 (2020)

Kohno T., Ogino H., Yamakage Y., and Hattori M.
“Expression and Preparation of Recombinant Reelin and ADAMTS-3 Proteins.”
Methods Mol. Biol. 2043, 93 (2020)

Ogino H., Yamakage Y., Kohno T., and Hattori M.
“Assay for Reelin-cleaving activity of ADAMTS and detection of Reelin and its fragments in brain.”
Methods Mol. Biol. 2043, 105 (2020)

Hatanaka Y., Kawasaki T., Abe T., Shioi G., Kohno T., Hattori M., Sakakibara A., Kawaguchi Y., and Hirata T.
“Semaphorin 6A-Plexin A2/A4 Interactions with Radial Glia Regulate Migration Termination of Superficial Layer Cortical Neurons.”
iScience 21, 359 (2019)

Yamakage Y., Kato M., Hongo A., Ogino H., Ishii K., Ishizuka T., Kamei T., Tsuiji H., Miyamoto T., Oishi H., Kohno T., and Hattori M.
“A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 2 cleaves and inactivates Reelin in the postnatal cerebral cortex and hippocampus, but not in the cerebellum. ”
Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 100, 103401 (2019)

Nishino K., Watanabe S., Shijie J., Murata Y., Oiwa K., Komine O., Endo F., Tsuiji H., Abe M., Sakimura K., Mishra A., and Yamanaka K.
"Mice deficient in the C-terminal domain of TAR DNA-binding protein 43 develop age-dependent motor dysfunction associated with impaired Notch1-Akt signaling pathway."
Acta Neuropathol. Commun. 25, 118 (2019)

Ishii K., Kohno T., and Hattori M.
“Differential binding of anti-Reelin monoclonal antibodies reveals the characteristics of Reelin protein under various conditions.”
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 514, 815-820 (2019)

Yamakage Y., Tsuiji H., Kohno T., Ogino H., Saito T., Saido TC., Hattori M.
“Reducing ADAMTS-3 Inhibits Amyloid β Deposition in App Knock-in Mouse.”
Biol. Pharm. Bull. 42, 354-356 (2019)

Mizukami T., Ikeda K., Shimanaka Y., Korogi K., Zhou C., Takase H., Tsuiji H., Kono N., Kohno T., Arai H., Arita M. and Hattori M.
“Reelin deficiency leads to aberrant lipid composition in mouse brain.”
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 505, 81-86 (2018)

Sobue A., Kushima I., Nagai T., Shan W., Kohno T., Aleksic B., Aoyama Y., Mori D., Arioka Y., Kawano N., Yamamoto M., Hattori M., Nabeshima T., Yamada K. and Ozaki N.
"Genetic and animal model analyses reveal the pathogenic role of a novel deletion of RELN in schizophrenia."
Sci. Rep. 8, 13046 (2018)

Fujikake K., Sawada M., Hikita T., Seto Y., Kaneko N., Herranz-Perez V., Dohi N., Homma N., Osaga S., Yanagawa Y., Akaike T., Garcia-Verdugo J.M., Hattori M., Sobue K., and Sawamoto K.
"Detachment of Chain-Forming Neuroblasts by Fyn-Mediated Control of cell-cell Adhesion in the Postnatal Brain."
J Neurosci. 38, 4598-4609 (2018)

Tsuiji H.*, Inoue I., Takeuchi M., Furuya A., Yamakage Y., Watanabe S., Koike M., Hattori M., and Yamanaka K.
“TDP-43 accelerates age-dependent degeneration of interneurons.”
Sci. Rep. 7, 14972 (2017)
(*corresponding author)

Ogino H.*, Hisanaga A.*, Kohno T., Kondo Y., Okumura K., Kamei T., Sato T., Asahara H., Tsuiji H., Fukata M., and Hattori M.
"Secreted Metalloproteinase ADAMTS-3 Inactivates Reelin"
J Neurosci. 37, 3181-3191 (2017)
(*These authors contributed equally to this work)

Nakamura K., Beppu M., Sakai K., Yagyu H., Matsumaru S., Kohno T., and Hattori M.
"The C-terminal region of Reelin is necessary for proper positioning of a subset of Purkinje cells in the postnatal cerebellum"
Neuroscience. 336, 20-29 (2016)

Mizukami T., Kohno T.* and Hattori M.
"CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3 regulates dendrite development.”
Neurosci Res. 110, 11-17 (2016)
(*corresponding author)

Sakai K.*, Shoji T.*, Kohno T., Miyakawa T., and Hattori M.
"Mice that lack the C-terminal region of Reelin exhibit behavioral abnormalities related to neuropsychiatric disorders.”
Sci Rep. 6, 28636 (2016)
(*These authors contributed equally to this work)

Sato Y.*, Kobayashi D.*, Kohno T., Kidani Y., Prox J., Becker-Pauly C. and Hattori M.
"Determination of Cleavage Site of Reelin between Its Sixth and Seventh Repeat and Contribution of Meprin Metalloproteases to the Cleavage."
J Biochem. 159, 305-312 (2016)
(*These authors contributed equally to this work)

Kohno T.*, Honda T.*, Kubo K.*, Nakano Y., Tsuchiya A., Murakami T., Banno H., Nakajima K.** and Hattori M.**.
"Importance of Reelin C-terminal region in the development and maintenance of the postnatal cerebral cortex and its regulation by specific proteolysis."
J Neurosci. 35, 4776-4787 (2015)
(*, **These authors contributed equally to this work)

Onoue A.*,Takeuchi M.*, Kohno T. and Hattori M.
"Aberrant fragment of Dab1 protein is present in yotari mouse."
Neurosci. Res. 88, 23-27 (2014)
(*These authors contributed equally to this work)

Koie M.*, Okumura K.*, Hisanaga A., Kamei T., Sasaki K., Deng M., Baba A., Kohno T. and Hattori M.
"Cleavage Within Reelin Repeat 3 Regulates the Duration and Range of Signaling Activity of Reelin."
J Biol. Chem. 289, 12922-12930 (2014)
(*These authors contributed equally to this work)

Hisatsune C., Miyamoto H., Hirono M., Yamaguchi N., Sugawara T., Ogawa N., Ebisui E., Ohshima T., Yamada M., Hensch TK., Hattori M. and Mikoshiba K.
"IP3R1 deficiency in the cerebellum/brainstem causes basal ganglia-independent dystonia by triggering tonic Purkinje cell firings in mice."
Front Neural Circuits. 7, 156. (2013)

Sugawara T., Hisatsune C., Le T.D., Hashikawa T., Hirono M., Hattori M., Nagao S. and Mikoshiba K.
"Type 1 inositol trisphosphate receptor regulates cerebellar circuits by maintaining the spine morphology of purkinje cells in adult mice."
J Neurosci. 33, 12186-96. (2013)

Britto J.M., Tait K.J., Lee E.P., Gamble R.S., Hattori M. and Tan S.S.
"Exogenous Reelin Modifies the Migratory Behavior of Neurons Depending on Cortical Location."
Cereb. Cortex. (2013)

Fuchigami T., Sato Y., Tomita Y., Takano T., Miyauchi S.Y., Tsuchiya Y., Saito T., Kubo K., Nakajima K., Fukuda M., Hattori M. and Hisanaga S.
"Dab1-mediated colocalization of multi-adaptor protein CIN85 with Reelin receptors, ApoER2 and VLDLR, in neurons."
Genes Cells 18, 410-24. (2012)

Perez-Martinez F.J., Luque-Rio A., Sakakibara A., Hattori M., Miyata T. and Luque J.M.
"Reelin-dependent ApoER2 downregulation uncouples newborn neurons from progenitor cells."
Biol. Open. 1, 1258-63. (2012)

Lee H.C., Inoue T., Sasaki J., Kubo T., Matsuda S., Nakasaki Y., Hattori M., Tanaka F., Udagawa O., Kono N., Itoh T., Ogiso H., Taguchi R., Arita M., Sasaki T. and Arai H.
"LPIAT1 regulates arachidonic acid content in phosphatidylinositol and is required for cortical lamination in mice."
Mol. Biol. Cell 23, 689-700 (2012)

Sekine K., Kawauchi T., Kubo K., Honda T., Herz J., Hattori M., Kinashi T. and Nakajima K.
"Reelin Controls Neuronal Positioning by Promoting Cell-Matrix Adhesion via Inside-Out Activation of Integrin α5β1."
Neuron 76, 353-369 (2012)

Hisanaga A.*, Morishita S.*, Suzuki K., Sasaki K., Koie M., Kohno T. and Hattori M.
A "Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase with Thrombospondin Motifs 4 (ADAMTS-4) cleaves Reelin in an isoform-dependent manner."
FEBS Letters 586, 3349-3353 (2012)
(*These authors contributed equally to this work)

Kidani Y., Ohshima K., Sakai H., Kohno T., Baba A. and Hattori M.
"Differential localization of sphingomyelin synthase isoforms in neurons regulates sphingomyelin cluster formation."
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 417, 1014-1017 (2012)

Yasui N., Kitago Y., Beppu A., Kohno T., Morishita S., Gomi H., Nagae M., Hattori M. and Takagi J.
"Functional importance of covalent homodimer of reelin linked via its central region."
J. Biol. Chem. 286, 35247-35256 (2011)

Higo T., Hamada K., Hisatsune C., Nukina N., Hashikawa T., Hattori M., Nakamura T. and Mikoshiba K.
"Mechanism of ER stress-induced brain damage by IP(3) receptor."
Neuron 68, 865-878 (2010)

Kohno T. and Hattori M.
"Re-evaluation of protease activity of Reelin."
Biol. Pharm. Bull. 33, 1047-1049 (2010)

Uchida T., Baba A., Perez-Martinez F.J., Hibi T., Miyata T., Luque J.M., Nakajima K., and Hattori M.
"Downregulation of functional Reelin receptors in projection neurons implys that primary Reelin action occurs at early/pre-migratory stages."
J. Neurosci. 29, 10653-10662 (2009)

Kohno T., Nakano Y., Kitoh N., Yagi H., Kato K., Baba A., and Hattori M.
"C-terminal region-dependent change of antibody-binding to the eighth Reelin repeat reflects the signaling activity of Reelin."
J. Neurosci. Res. 87, 3043-3053 (2009)

Hibi T., Hattori M.
The "N-terminal fragment of Reelin is generated after endocytosis and released through the pathway regulated by Rab11."
FEBS Lett. 583, 1299-1303 (2009)

Baba A., Akagi K., Takayanagi M., Flanagan J., Kobayashi T., and Hattori M.
"Fyn tyrosine kinase regulates the surface expression of GPI-linked ephrin via the modulation of sphingomyelin metabolism."
J. Biol. Chem. 284, 9206-9214 (2009)

Kohno S., Kohno T., Nakano Y., Suzuki K., Ishii M., Tagami H., Baba A., and Hattori M.
"Mechanism and significance of specific proteolytic cleavage of Reelin."
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 380, 93-97 (2009)

Hibi T., Mizutani M., Baba A., and Hattori M.
"Splicing variations in the ligand binding domain of ApoER2 results in functional differences in the binding properties to Reelin."
Neurosci. Res. 63, 251-258 (2009)

Nogi T., Sangawa T., Tabata S., Nagae M., Tamura-Kawakami K., Beppu A., Hattori M., Yasui N., and Takagi J.
"Novel affinity tag system using structurally defined antibody-tag interaction: application to single-step protein purification."
Protein Sci. 17, 2120-2126 (2008)

Nakano Y., Kohno T., Hibi T., Kohno S., Baba A., Mikoshiba K., Nakajima K., and Hattori M.
"The extremely conserved C-terminal region of reelin is not necessary for secretion but is required for efficient activation of downstream signaling."
J. Biol. Chem. 282, 20544-20552 (2007)

Yasui N., Nogi T., Kitao T., Nakano Y., Hattori M., and Takagi J.
"Structure of a receptor-binding fragment of reelin and mutational analysis reveal a recognition mechanism similar to endocytic receptors."
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 104, 9988-9993 (2007)

Nogi T., Yasui N., Hattori M., Iwasaki K., and Takagi J.
"Structure of a signaling-competent Reelin fragment revealed by X-ray crystallography and electron tomography."
EMBO J. 25, 3675-3683 (2006)


Hattori M. and Arai H.
"Intracellular PAF-Acetylhydrolase Type I."
Enzymes. 38, 23-36 (2015)

Nomura T., Hattori M., and Osumi N.
"Reelin, radial fibers and cortical evolution: Insights from comparative analysis of the mammalian and avian telencephalon."
Dev.Growth Differ. 51, 287-297 (2009)

Hattori M.
"C-terminal region of Reelin."
Reelin Glycoprotein: Structure, Biology, and Roles in Health and Disease.
Chapter 4 (p49-p57) Springer. (2008)


BIO INDUSTRY 1, 11-17 (2018)

YAKUGAKU ZASSHI 137, 1233-1240 (2017)

生化学 88, 1, 105-113 (2016)

ファルマシア 52, 1 (2016)

脳科学事典 (2013)

日本神経精神薬理学雑誌 31, 267-271 (2011)

生化学 82, 10, 963-971 (2010)

実験医学 24, 2041-2046 (2006)

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