Greetingfrom professor

Thank you for visiting our homepage. I joined this department after the retirement of the former head of this department, Professor Hideki Ono, in April 2013. I moved from Kumamoto University, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics, where I worked for 11 years since I came back from United States.
I started my career as a biochemist and molecular biologist, but after starting circadian rhythm studies, I have used mainly Drosophila model with behavioural and molecular genetic methods. Here, I continue those studies.
In addition, I am a sleep medicine specialist, and I also continue clinical practice. Thus, I am interested in the epidemiological studies and the development of effective treatment of sleep disorders.

In our department, Professor Ohsawa is a specialist of behavioural pharmacology and electrophysiology using mouse model. Assistant Professor Yamamoto is a specialist in in vivo electorphysiology using rat spinal injury model. Thus, our department covers from molecule, cells, to whole body. We welcome students and reseachers who are interested in our projects.
Finally, we changed the name of the department to Neurophamcology from Central Nervous System Pharmacology, solely due to reduce the number of typing! :-j

@Facebook of Professor Kume

Nagoya City University
Graduate School of
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Neuropharmacology

3-1 Tanabe Street
Mizuho, Nagoya
467-8603 Japan
TEL-FAX +81-52-836-3676